Stepney All Saints School

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Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)

 Year 7:

Line, shape, colour and the self: Students will explore using a line to document a journey looking at artists that have used line to document travel. Students will develop their proficiency in accurately describing and drawing geometric shapes. Students will then use their knowledge of geometric shapes to describe themselves as a lego figure. Students will revisit their KS2 knowledge of colour theory and colour mixing to develop an abstracted geometric self-portrait inspired by artist Paul Klee.

Still-life and printmaking: Students will develop their drawing skills and begin to explore further formal elements such as mark-making and tone to draw directly from primary source objects. Students will study traditional still-life and contemporary still life artists. Students will then devise a still-life print inspired by Althea McNish.

Patterns and clay: Students will design and make a clay tile inspired by the patterns they see around the school, London and Tower Hamlets. Students will draw inspiration from artists: Chris Offili, Yinka Shonibare and Hassan Hajjaj.


Year 8

Feast: Students will look at the visual history of food in Art from traditional still-life to Pop Art to contemporary food illustration. Students will develop their observational drawing skills using a range of materials and drawing from a combination of primary and secondary sources. Students will look at contemporary food illustrators to create research and gain insight into ways of working with wet media such as watercolour and ink. Students will create a large-scale food illustration show-casing their wet media skill.

My city architecture project: Students will explore the work of artists and architects that have been inspired by London or have created iconic buildings in the capital. Students will be able to understand and apply perspective to their city scape drawings. Students will work with a range of new materials such as mixed media, printmaking and charcoal.

Year 9

The Art of Protest: Students will look at protest poster design focusing on Amnesty international as a starting point. Students will develop primary source drawings of objects associated with freedom and limitations. Students will look at the work of artist Barbara Kruger to show their understanding of how image and text can create powerful images and messages. Students will plan, develop and create a lino print based on a protest/message of their choice combining image and text. Students will learn about the history of zines and develop their own mixed media zine about a contemporary issue that they are passionate about.

Street Art and Self-portraits: Students will learn about the contextual similarities and differences between street art and graffiti. Students will research a range of artist to inspire and drive their project such as: Haring, Banksy, Sweet Tooth and Fairey. Students will learn how to record a self-portrait using proportion, tone and line. Students will develop a street art stencil and understand positive and negative space. Students will create a spray-paint self-portrait final outcome.

Projects in Year 9 are designed to introduce students to working practices they will use in GCSE Art and Design

The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class:

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

 Y10 and 11

Over the two-year course students will complete three units of work.

Project one ‘The tools of my life/groups’: At the start of year ten students will revisit the formal elements of: line, tone, shape, mark making, colour, composition, pattern, space and form. They will start their studies drawing from a variety of observational primary and secondary source stimuli exploring media and process. They will gain knowledge of artist’s working practices through use of paint, print, observational drawings from direct observation and from photographs, Lino Print, mono print, collage, pen and ink and mixed media. Students will develop and extend ideas into a personal outcome of their choice.

Project two ‘power’: Students will explore the topic of Power by exploring a range of visual and artistic starting points and researching relevant aspects in more detail in order to develop ideas.  They will explore the work of a variety of relevant artists exploring their use of formal elements and concepts. They will use a range of appropriate creative techniques and processes in order to refine their ideas and create individual pieces of work relating to their chosen artists and sub-themes. Students will develop and extend ideas into a personal outcome of their choice.

Unit 3: Exam unit.

The students will create a body of work using similar methodology and skills acquired to the first two units but exploring a theme set by the exam board Pearson. They will then produce their final piece in a ten-hour timed examination.

The following websites will be of use to students for their homework and revision:


Independent Learning Information

 Key Stage 3

The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Key Stage 4


  • The following websites will be of use to students for their homework and revision: