Stepney All Saints School

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Attendance and Punctuality

Regular Attendance and Punctuality at school is essential if students are to achieve their full potential.

The information below highlights procedures and responsibilities that parent/carers and the school has for each child.

Good attendance at school is important for academic progress, social interaction with peers and the opportunity to participate in clubs and try new activities.  At Stepney All Saints School we have a clear expectation that students should aim for 100% attendance every year.

We recognise, however, that illness happens, children get sick and there will be occasions when your child is too poorly to come into school.  To guard against truancy we presume all absence is unauthorised until a valid reason is given by a parent or carer.  Should your child’s absence become more persistent however, it is important to discuss this with the school to see if there are other barriers to their attendance.

Academic studies have shown a direct link between attendance and progress towards GCSE grades. 19 days of school missed per year (attendance of 90%) equals one GCSE grade dropped on average.

By law, all children must attend the school they are registered at regularly.  We view attendance above 98% as excellent.  Attendance below 95% is concerning and should attendance fall to 90% or below a student is considered a ‘persistent absentee’ (PA).  The school is required to report all students who don’t attend regularly to the Local Authority.  Should your child’s attendance fall to 90% or below we will invite you in to discuss the reasons and provide support if necessary to overcome any barriers to attendance.

Should there not be a good reason for continued low attendance at school we are required to work with the Local Authority to explore why the support put in place is not working.  Ultimately the Local Authority could proceed towards legal action, should the situation not improve.

There are a few ways in which you can help support your child’s attendance:

  • When ill, ensure the illness is genuine then phone the main school number to report the absence.  See the Reporting Absence or Appointments section below.
  • If you discover your child is worried about anything at  school, contact your child’s tutor.
  • Only take family holidays during the school holidays. There are 190 school days in a year leaving 175 in which to take a holiday.

> Please click here to be directed to the school policy page (incl. attendance policy)

Reporting Absence or Appointments 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My child is unwell, what should I do?

A: Please call the school absence line no later than 8.30am, 020 7790 6712 (Option 1), leaving a message stating your child’s name, tutor group and a brief explanation of the nature of the illness. A call is requested for every day of absence unless you have spoken directly with the Attendance Officer.

Q: Why do I need to call every day?

A: We cannot assume that a student is unwell just because they were off school the previous day. If you believe an absence due to illness may be prolonged, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to avoid you calling daily.

Q: I know in advance that my child needs to leave school early for an appointment, what should I do?

A: Send your child to school with a note in their planner stating the reason they need to leave school and the time you wish to collect them. The note should be handed in at reception. The student can then sign out of school.

Q: I have just remembered that I need to collect my child during the school day, or I have forgotten to send a note in the planner, what should I do?

A: In the first instance, please call us. Reception will endeavour to pass a message to your child within your given timescale. However, it is not always possible to locate students straight away, for example during lunch or break times.

Q: I wish to take my child out of school for a family holiday (or other reason) during term time.

A: It is important to note that The Department for Education only allows an absence/holiday in term time in “special circumstances”. Few requests fall into this category, the majority are refused and fines can be imposed for taking time off without the school’s permission.

If a family needs to make a leave of absence request, this must be done in writing to the headteacher. Parents will be invited into school for a meeting to discuss the application following which a decision will be made.

Please send a letter requesting leave to the headteacher and submit prior to the purchase of any travel tickets and at least two weeks before the start of the requested period of leave. In order for the headteacher to reach an informed decision please include as much detail as possible to explain why exceptional circumstances apply. You will be called into school for a meeting to discuss your request.

Attendance line:            020 7790 6712 option 1

Attendance Officer:   Lutfa Yeasmin

The Penalty Notice Scheme

School Absence Penalty Notice (fine)

Reducing absence from school is a key priority, because missing school:

  • damages a pupil’s attainment levels,
  • disrupts school routines and the learning of others 
  • can leave a pupil vulnerable to anti-social behaviour and youth crime
  • seriously affects children’s life opportunities

Parents/carers may get a Penalty Notice (fine) sent to their home address if:

Reasons for a Penalty Notice (fine)

  • Unauthorised leave/holidays during term time for 10 or more half days
  • If parents/carers do not attend In-School Attendance Panels where they have been invited to discuss their child’s unauthorised absences and/or lateness
  • Attendance of 90% or less over a school term with 10 or more unauthorised half-days. Where parents/carers have failed to work with the school to address and improve the situation.
  • Late arrival at school (10 minutes after the attendance register has closed) with 10 avoidable late marks or more over the period of 10 school weeks. After normal school procedures and sanctions have been followed. The journey, weather conditions and transport disruptions will be taken into consideration.
  • A mix of unauthorised absence and avoidable lateness (10 minutes after the attendance register has closed) of 10 sessions or more over the period of 10 school weeks.
  • If parents/carers do not make sure their child is not in a public place during the first 5 days of exclusion from school without a good reason.


The cost of the Penalty Notice is £80 per child per parent/carer but increases to £160 if payment is not made within 21 days.

What happens if I do not pay?

After receiving the Penalty Notice you have 28 days to pay it in full. If it has not been paid in full during this time, we will start proceedings with the Magistrates Court.

Dispute a fine

There is no statutory right of appeal once a Penalty Notice has been issued. Tower Hamlets council enforce the payment collection.


You will not be prosecuted if you pay the full Penalty Notice, for the period of time covered. However, any future absence may lead to prosecution. If your child still misses school, it is important that you work closely with the school and our Attendance & Welfare Advisor.

Get help with your child’s attendance

The council and school will give you advice and support if you need help to improve your child’s attendance. It is very important that you speak with the school or with the Attendance and Welfare Service as soon as possible.


See more information on attendance and welfare support

Tower Hamlets Behaviour and Attendance Support Service, Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London. E1 1BJ

Tel: 0207 364 3450 / 0390 / 3416

Email: LBTHAttendance&