Stepney All Saints School

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Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)

Year 7: Historical Skills, The Romans, Saxon England, the Norman Conquest, Medieval Realms and world history (Aztecs and Feudal Japan)

Year 8: The Tudors,  Making of the United Kingdom, Industrialisation, African Civilizations,  Slavery and Abolition and the Ottoman Empire

Year 9: Civil Rights in the USA and Britain, Empire, Women’s Suffrage, Hot War/Cold War

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

 Year 10: Crime and punishment c.500 – present day and the Elizabethan Age 1558 – 1603

Year 11: Germany in transition, 1919-1939  and the Development of the USA, 1929-2000

Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13)

 Year 12: Searching for Rights and Freedoms: The USA 1917-1996 and India, c1914-1948 the road to independence

Year 13: Britain-losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 and the Cold War

Independent Learning Resources

Key Stage 3

  • is also a great resource for students and has material for most of the topics we study at KS3
  • All pupils have a ‘supporting KS3 students of history’ supplement in their workbooks. It contains a list of films, books and museums they can access to further their content knowledge (depth and breadth)
  • BBC Bitesize for KS3 History has in depth support on the topics we cover

Key Stage 4


  • WJEC / EDUQAS revision guide
  • London revision guides for each topic- this is distributed to students
  • The library has a subscription to various history periodicals.
  • BBC Bitesize Revision for the Eduqas Exam Board

Careers Advice