Stepney All Saints School

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Independent Learning Resources

Independent Learning Resources

For each of the subjects studied at KS3, 4 and 5, resources and websites are listed below. These are to support homework tasks, but also so that students can begin completing their own independent work, beyond that which is set by the teacher.

Parents are welcome to contact subject teachers, and Heads of Department for further information.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)

Key Stage 3 Independent Learning Resources

For each of the subjects studied at KS3, resources and websites are listed below. These are to support homework tasks, but also so that students can begin completing their own independent work, beyond that which is set by the teacher.

Parents are welcome to contact subject teachers, and Heads of Department for further information.

Subject Websites that students can access

The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Useful books: 
English The BBC Bitesize KS3 English website contains tips and quizzes for reading and writing skills. ·         Students can complete activities from any of the CGP KS3 English books in the library (titles include KS3 English, Essential Terms, Spelling Punctuation and Grammar and The Study Guide)

·         Students should read for pleasure for 30 minutes each evening, regularly changing their book in the library. It would be particularly beneficial for students to read a book by the same author or in the same genre as the one which they are studying in lessons; students should ask their class teacher for guidance on this.

·         Students should take an Accelerated Reader quiz once they have completed each independent reading book. These normally need to be completed at school in the library or VLE outside of lesson times.

Mathematics Use   to watch video clips of topics that you have missed or found difficult.  Use the practice questions to get immediate feedback on how well you are doing on a particular topic.  Homework will sometime be set from mymaths.  Mymaths passwords will be shared by your class teacher at the start of each year. 

This website has a lot of interesting problems that helps to develop your problem solving skills.

CGP revision guides can also be purchased to help with your revision

Science Doddle Learn and BBC Bitesize are both useful resources:

Science CGP KS3 Revision Guide

KS3 Science Collins Revision Guides

History All pupils have a ‘supporting KS3 students of history’ supplement in their workbooks.  It contains a list of films, books and museums they can access to further their content knowledge (depth and breadth)

BBC Bitesize for KS3 History has in depth support on the topics we cover is also a great resource for students and has material for most of the topics we study at KS3


BBC Bitesize provides a range of revision and inquiry materials for

Y7, Coasts, Rivers Geology, Settlement and Places

Y8 Ecosystems, Development, Population,

Y9 Natural Hazards and Weather and Climate, Crime

There are videos and assessments that students can test themselves on and get a grade.

Geographical Magazine

National Geographic Magazine

French Click HERE for French resources.

Students use where they have access to all of their curriculum vocabulary.

Students also have log-ins for  – which gives them access to exam focused vocabulary and skills training.

‘Studio’ textbooks are available in the library and can be used to support homework.
Spanish Click HERE for Spanish resources.

Students use where they have access to all of their curriculum vocabulary.

Students also have log-ins for  – which gives them access to exam focused vocabulary and skills training.

‘Viva’ textbooks are available in the library and can be used to support homework.
Bengali Click HERE for Bengali resources.

Students should read a range of texts online in Bengali. Try to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words and look up words that are essential to your understanding.

Listen to and watch Bengali videos on YouTube. Music videos, news bulletins, blogs, etc., can be an excellent way to practise your listening skills.

Religious Studies

For most homework and project based homework, we always recommend students refer to this area as their first port of call.

Computing – Students have been given a login access to this website. There is structured revision material as well as quizzes for the students to access for the KS3 computing topics. – Using the students Google drive login, students have access to all resources provided in lessons, including presentation, worksheets and revision notes.

Compute-IT Student book 1 & 2 for KS3 Computing

An interactive website covering the basics of music theory. There are lessons and exercises, which provides instant feedback on progress.

Textiles The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Resistant Materials The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Food Science The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Art and Design The following websites will be of use to students during the course of KS3, and can be used to explore further the topics studied in class

Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11)

Key Stage 4 Independent Learning Resources

For each of the subjects studied at KS4, resources and websites are listed below. These are to support homework tasks, but also so that students can begin completing their own independent work, beyond that which is set by the teacher.

Parents are welcome to contact subject teachers

  Course followed Revision Books


Additional resources
English AQA in English Literature and AQA in English Language Revision guides published variously by: CGP; York Notes; Collins; OUP; Pearson Education; and Letts are available in the library for our AQA GCSE English Literature texts: An Inspector Calls; Romeo and Juliet; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (Sets 1a and 1b only); A Christmas Carol; and the AQA Power & Conflict poetry anthology

There are also workbooks and revision guides for the AQA GCSE English Language papers

Students should improve their knowledge of the Literature texts by taking tests on the PiXLit App

The BBC Bitesize AQA Literature website has very clear resources for most of the texts we study.

The SparkNotes website has more extensive commentary on all texts except the poetry Students should read for pleasure for 30 minutes each evening, regularly changing their book in the library. It would be particularly beneficial for students to read a book by the same author or in the same genre as the one which they are studying in lessons; students should ask their class teacher for guidance on this

Mathematics Pearson Edexcel Pearson Edexcel Revision book Use  to watch video clips of topics that you have missed or found difficult.  Use the practice questions to get immediate feedback on how well you are doing on a particular topic.  Homework will sometime be set from this platform.  PiXl app passwords will be shared by your class teacher at the start of each year.

This is a website that has help videos on all Maths topics. It explains how to do each topic and then provides worksheets, questions and past exam questions on these topics to do. It also does “5 quick questions”, which is excellent way of practicing Maths every day.

Science Pearson Edexcel in Combined Science (Double Award students)


Pearson Edexcel in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Triple Award students)

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Combined Science: Student Book by Mark Levesley et al

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Biology Student Book (Edexcel (9-1) by Mark Levesley et al

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Book (Edexcel (9-1) by Mark Levesley et al

Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Physics Student Book (Edexcel (9-1) by Mark Levesley et al

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Combined Science Higher Revision Guide by Nigel Saunders et al

Doddle Learn:

 BBC Bitseize

Past exam papers

History Eduqas ·         WJEC / EDUQAS revision guide

·         London revision guides for each topic- this is distributed to students

·         The library has a subscription to various history periodicals.

BBC Bitesize Revision for the Eduqas Exam Board
Geography Pearson Edexcel B New Grade 9-1 GCSE Geography Edexcel B: Investigating Geographical Issues – Revision Guide

 New Grade 9-1 GCSE Geography Edexcel B: Investigating Geographical Issues – Exam Practice Workbook

GCSE Geography Edexcel B Student Book by Oxford Uni Press

Revision material and multiple choice tests with marks given for all GCSE topics.

Revision material, videos and mock assessments for all GCSE topics.

Religious Studies Eduqas Revision books have been given to students by their teachers. These are created by teachers. The BBC Bitesize area also has a good area specifically for the WJEC/EDUQAS RE course which the students use.
French AQA Students have a blue booklet of speaking questions which they should revise for their speaking exam.

The French CGP exam practice workbook is available in the library and can be used for listening, reading, translation, grammar and writing practice.

Studio textbooks are available in the library and can be used to support homework.

Students use where they have access to all of their curriculum vocabulary.

Students also have log-ins for  – which gives them access to exam focused vocabulary and skills training.

Students should also practice describing photos using their photo description sheet

Students can use for a fun way to do extra listening – try ‘choice mode’, it is especially accessible

Spanish AQA Students have a red booklet of speaking questions which they should revise for their speaking exam.

Spanish GCSE CGP exam practice workbook are available in the library and can be used for listening, reading, translation, grammar and writing practice.

Viva textbooks are available in the library and can be used to support homework.

Students use where they have access to all of their curriculum vocabulary.

Students also have log-ins for – which gives them access to exam focused vocabulary and skills training.

Students should also practice describing photos using their photo description sheet

Students can use for a fun way to do extra listening – try ‘choice mode’, it is especially accessible

Bengali AQA Students have a booklet of speaking questions which they should revise for their speaking exam. Students should also practice describing photos using their photo description sheet

Students can use for a fun way to do extra listening – try ‘choice mode’, it is especially accessible

Students should read a range of texts online in Bengali. Try to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words and look up words that are essential to your understanding.

Listen to and watch Bengali videos on Youtube. Music videos, news bulletins, blogs, etc, can be an excellent way to practise your listening skills.

Computing OCR CGP Revision Book for GCSE Computer Science

OCR (9-1) Computer Science GCSE (Hodders Educations)

Digital subscription of revision book for BTEC IT.  – Students have been given a login access to this website. There is structured revision material as well as quizzes for the students to access for the new GCSE course.  – Using the students Google drive login, students have access to all resources provided in lessons, including presentation, worksheets and revision notes.

Sociology Eduqas WJEC Eduqas GCSE Sociology textbook is available in the library for students to use. This text book is recommended by the exam board. BBC News website the website will provide students with contemporary examples and also allow students to have an understanding of what is happening in today’s society. Students can apply evidence to exam questions.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation website has contemporary research relating to a variety of inequalities. Students can make notes on the evidence and apply to exam questions.

Department for Education: here you can find relevant research, statistics, and information regarding the various changes to the education system. The data research and statistics and publications sections are particularly useful.

Sociology Review is available in the library for students to use. Includes contemporary evidence, debates and studies.

WJEC website; Students are encouraged to use the website to print copies of past exam papers and mark schemes.

Psychology Pearson Edexcel Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Psychology by Christine Brain, Anne Cave and Karren Smith
  1. Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Psychology Student Bookby Christine Brain, Julia Russell, Karren Smith, and Simon Green.
  2. My Revision Notes: Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Psychologyby Ali Abbas.
  3. Edexcel GCSE Psychology Workbook”by Ali Abbas
  4. Quizlet –
Media Edquas WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Media Studies: Student Book by Illuminate Publishing [978-1- 911208-48-8]

Revision books have been given to students by their teachers. These are created by teachers.

Students have full access to the MediaMag online archive.

 Eduqas resources: Bitesize Media Studies:


Health and Social Care OCR Cambridge National Certificate Cambridge National Level 1/2 Health and Social Care: Hodder Education ISBN 978-471-89974-4 is available for students to borrow from the library.

My Revision Notes: Cambridge National Level 1/2 Health and Social Care will be available to borrow from the library.

Women and children’s health network –

Homeoffice Equality Act

Health and Safety Executive –

Care and Law

The Excellence Gateway –

Effective Communication and Human Needs –

Communication in Health and Social Care –

Business Pearson First Award CGP Business R Websites we use are

Music OCR Rhinegold Education: OCR GCSE MUSIC STUDY GUIDE


An interactive website covering the basics of music theory. There are lessons and exercises, which provides instant feedback on progress.

Rhinegold Education Online Music Classroom

Listening Exam resources:

OCR GCSE Music (9-1) AoS2 The Concerto Through Time

OCR GCSE Music (9-1) AoS3 Rhythms of the World

OCR GCSE Music (9-1) AoS4 Film Music   

OCR GCSE Music (9-1) AoS5 Conventions of Pop

Drama Pearson Edexcel Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Drama Revision Guide

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Drama Revision Workbook

PE Pearson Edexcel The year 11s should follow this link for their Edexcel course:

The year 10s should follow this link for their AQA course:

Art and Design AQA The following websites will be of use to students for their homework and revision:

Food Science AQA in Food Preparation and Nutrition

Resistant Materials Pearson Edexcel in Design and Technology
