Language Aptitude Test
For a full explanation of the Language Aptitude Test please scroll down the page to read the Frequently Asked Questions section. Please note that taking the test does not constitute an application to the school. The test is optional. Full details below.
Application form for the Modern Foreign Language Aptitude Test
For September 2025 admission
Test date: 10am Saturday 12 October 2024.
Registering for this test is NOT an application for Stepney All Saints School.
The Modern Foreign Languages Aptitude Test requires no prior knowledge of any modern foreign language. The aptitude test is designed to indicate a student’s potential to learn a foreign language. The test does not involve any extended writing.
The deadline for applications to take the Modern Foreign Languages Aptitude Test is Friday 4 October. This test is for applications to Year 7 for 2025 entry.
Parents will be notified of the outcome of the aptitude test by 31 October 2024.
To be completed by the child’s parent/carer ONLY.
Please click here to complete the Language Aptitude Test Form
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the test?
Saturday 12th October 2024, 10.00am
What do I need to do in order for my child to take the test?
All applicants for a Language Aptitude place must complete the School’s application form for the Modern Foreign Language Aptitude Test. The completed form should be returned direct to the school by Friday 4th October 2024, and must be submitted with a passport photo of your child.
What if I can’t make this date?
It is expected that all applicants wishing to be admitted via the Language Aptitude Test should be able to make the date stated above. Only in an extenuating circumstance will an alternative date be considered. Parents with a compelling reason why they cannot make the date stated should write to the school to have their request for an alternative date considered.
How many places are allocated via the Aptitude for Languages Test?
16 from the 208 places available for entry to Year 7. Where the minimum standard for the test is reached the places will go to the 4 highest scores within each of the four bands of ability.
Does it matter where I live?
Only in the event of a tie between two or more candidates will the distance tie-break apply. Priority will be given to the child who lives nearest the school.
How do I find out my child’s band of ability?
Your primary school will notify you of your child’s band of ability in early September. This is determined from the Optional Standard Attainment Tests in reading and mathematics (SATs) that your child would have taken at in the Summer Term of Year 5. The results of the tests are used to assign your child to one of four ability bands ranging from Band A to D. D is the highest.
How long is the test? What time should we arrive at the school?
The test is expected to last for approximately 1 hour starting at 10am. It will consist of a written test in which patterns are to be identified. You can expect on the day of the test for your child to be at the school for longer than this to allow for the efficient organisation of the test. If demand for the test is great a number of sittings of the test will take place on the same or subsequent days. You will receive information regarding when you should bring your child to the school after you have completed and submitted your Language Aptitude Test application form by the closing date 4th October 2024.
My child is bilingual, will this help?
The test will be for aptitude in languages and will not be concerned with ability, prior learning or experience in languages.
My child’s primary school does not offer languages nor is any second language spoken at home; will this reduce his or her chances of success?
As outlined in the previous answer, the test will be for aptitude in languages and will not be concerned with ability, prior learning or experience in languages.
Are there any past papers or reading the school can recommend?
No past papers will be available from the school, given that no prior learning is necessary or considered helpful for success in the test.
My child already has a sibling at the school, should he or she sit the language aptitude test?
If the sibling will be still on the school roll at the time of the proposed admission then it is not necessary for any sibling to sit the test.
Can I find out my child’s results?
You will receive a letter notifying you of your child’s ranking within the test’s participants by 31st October 2024. If you do not receive a letter by that date then please contact the school. This ranking may inform your choice of schools but should not be viewed as a guarantee that your child will be offered a place.
Who should I contact with further questions?
Any further questions regarding the Language Aptitude Test should be made in writing to the Clerk to the Admissions’ Committee, Stepney All saints CE School, Stepney Way, London, E1 0RH.