Stepney All Saints School

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Media Studies

 Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

 Eduqas Media Studies GCSE

Component 1 – 1 hour 30 minute exam, 35% of grade

Section A – Media Language (Advertising, Marketing, Newspapers or Magazines), Representation (Advertising, Marketing, Newspapers or Magazines)

Section B – Media Industries (Newspapers, Radio, Video Games or Film Industry), Audiences (Newspapers, Radio or Video Games)

Component 2 – 1 hour 30 minute exam, 35% of grade

Section A – Television, Media Language OR Representation, Media Industries, Audiences OR Media Contexts

Section B – Music Videos and Online Media, Media Language OR Representation, Media Industries, Audiences OR Media Contexts

Component 3 –  non-examined assessment, 30% of grad​e

An individual magazine media production for an intended audience. Applying knowledge of media language, representation, industry and audience.

Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13)

 Eduqas Media Studies A Level

Component 1: Media Products, Industries and Audiences

Section A: Analysing Media Language and Representation – in relation to two of the following media forms, advertising, marketing, music video or newspapers.

Section B: Understanding Media Industries and Audiences – assesses two of the following media forms – advertising, marketing, film, newspapers, radio, video games – and media contexts.

Component 2: Media Forms and Products in Depth

Assessing media language, representation, media industries, audiences and media contexts.

Section A – Television in the Global Age

Section B – Magazines: Mainstream and Alternative Media

Section C – Media in the Online Age

Component 3: Cross-Media Production – Non-Examined Assessment

An individual cross-media production applying knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework and digital convergence.

Independent Learning Resources

 Key Stage 4


Key Stage 5