Stepney All Saints School

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Personal Development Programme (PDP)

16+ Personal Development Programme

Key Aim:

Develop leadership, commitment and life skills through enrichment and extra-curricular activities.

The 16+ Personal Development Programme (PDP)

Why should I take part?


Volunteering gives you an opportunity to make a difference to people’s lives in your community. You can use your skills and experience to help and enrich the local community.

Experience diversity

Volunteering gives you the chance to meet people who you would not normally come across. As technology grows, the world becomes smaller and it has never been more important to have that experience of working with people from all walks of life.

Opportunity for training & development

Many volunteer projects include training, which will be useful both on the project and in later life. You will develop skills such as communication and leadership; organisation and time management; planning and budgeting. It also gives you a chance to gain experience in a field you would like to work in, trying out potential career choices along the way.

Improve job prospects & employability

Volunteering can enhance your future employment prospects and enable employers to see that you have developed the necessary skills. It is especially useful when completing application forms and during job interviews to illustrate the skills you have acquired.

It’s fun!

Volunteering is fun and extremely rewarding, allowing you to experience many diverse opportunities not always available to you elsewhere.


How does it work?

The 16+ Personal Development Programme requires you to demonstrate four core skills across four activity strands, throughout the course of the academic year. There is an expectation of a minimum of 10 hours per activity in order for you to achieve the award. You need to write a summary for each of the activities and obtain a signature, upon completion. This will be monitored at regular intervals by your form tutor and the sixth form team.


If you have any further questions about the 16+ Personal Development Programme, please ask your Form Tutor or a member of the Sixth Form Team.