Stepney All Saints School

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Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code Expectations:

The following items will be permitted:

-Two / Three piece suits (Black, Blue or Grey)

-Collared shirt


-Formal shoes




-Skirt (below the knee)

Black smart shoes, NO trainers / trainer-shoes / boots or plimsolls (e.g. Vans / Kickers etc)

-Dress (Blazer must be worn over the dress)

Lanyards should be visible at all times and students must tap in/out upon entry/exit. Students who do not have their pass will be sent home to retrieve it or purchase a new one at a cost of £5, if lost.

An important element of our high expectations from our Sixth Form is that the students should arrive at school on time and dressed properly in line with the Sixth Form dress code. The dress code is designed to ensure that students are role models for the rest of the school. It is essential that all students dress smartly to ensure a professional working environment.

The school reserves the right to direct students to return home if they are inappropriately attired. Sanctions will be issued to students who persist in dressing below our expectations. Medical notes must be provided if they are not able to wear formal shoes.

Also, please be aware of the following:

  • overcoats/jackets must be taken off before they enter the school building
  • ear pods will also be deemed an infringement of the dress code policy and will be confiscated
  • mobile phones must not be seen or used