Stepney All Saints School

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Sport Science

Our vision is to ensure that each and every student at Stepney All Saints School enjoys the experience of high quality and inclusive Physical Education. We aim to make our students fully aware of the power and impact that physical activity can have on not only their physical well-being, but also their emotional and mental well-being. We want to ensure that all students gain life skills through physical activity that will aid their development and support them throughout their lives. Through a broad curriculum we recognise the individual needs of our students and celebrate the cultural differences that we are privileged to work with.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9)

 PE is a compulsory lesson for all students until Year 11:

KS3 – Four lessons over every two weeks (including at least one double lesson) ​

The Curriculum is varied; students follow the National PE Curriculum Programme of study and take part in:

Football                       Swimming
Netball                         Handball
Fitness                         Badminton
Basketball                    Athletics
Trampolining                Cricket

The diverse and broad Curriculum is designed to prepare students for the practical and theoretical challenges of KS4 PE qualifications, as well as educating them of the benefits of physical activity. Students have the option to choose GCSE PE at Key Stage 4 or the Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies course.

There are extra-curricular clubs available to students in football, basketball, handball, swimming, trampolining, athletics, cricket, netball and badminton. In addition to this, there are varied enrichment physical activities including skateboarding, martial arts and boxing

The School also enters inter-school competitions, such as the Tower Hamlets League and London Cup in football, and a variety of tournaments in most sports mentioned above. The school has a proud record of winning trophies in a range of different competitions. 

Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11)

 Year 10 & 11 – Two lessons over every two weeks


Exam Board: AQA

This course is suitable for pupils who have an interest in the human body, sport, health and fitness. Pupils should have good to excellent ability in PE (‘secure+’ to ‘advanced’) and should be keen to work hard in all areas of the subject. It will consist of written and practical work to develop your knowledge and performance in sport /physical activity.

Pupils must also have a commitment to extra-curricular PE clubs or a sports club outside of school.

There are seven components to cover for the examination course:

Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology

Topic 2: Movement analysis

Topic 3: Physical training

Topic 4: Use of data

Topic 5: Sports psychology

Topic 6: Socio-cultural influences

Topic 7: Health, fitness and wellbeing


Component 1 is an externally assessed written examination that has a range of different types of questions including extended answers. The topic will be ‘the human body and movement in physical activity and sport’. This is 30% of your qualification.

Component 2 is an externally assessed written examination that has a range of different types of questions including extended answers. The topic will be ‘socio-cultural influences and wellbeing in physical activity and sport’. This is 30% of your qualification.

Component 3 focuses on developing and improving your own practical sports performance. This is achieved through your active participation in practical activities and reflection on your own performance and that of other sport performers. You are assessed in only two team and one individual sport or vice versa. This is 30% of your qualification.

For component 4, you will go through the stages of designing a personal fitness training programme, where you will select an appropriate method of training. This is 10% of your qualification.

Topics covered in each year group are,

Year 10: 

– Applied anatomy and physiology

– Structure and function of the cardio-respiratory system

– Anaerobic and aerobic exercise

– Short and long term effects of exercise

– Physical training

– Engagement patterns of different social groups in sport

– Sports psychology

– Health, fitness and well being

Year 11:

– Movement analysis

– Commercialisation of sport

– Use of data

– Ethical issues in sport

– Analysis and Evaluation of performance – Coursework

– Practical performance in physical activity and sport

Sport Studies

Structure of the course:

40% – Final Exam (R184)
1. Issues which affect participation in sport / possible barriers / growth of new sports in the UK
2. The role of sport in promoting values / Olympics and paralympics / issues with Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs)
3. The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
4. The role of National Governing Bodies in the development of their sport e.g. the FA.
5. The use of technology in sport / enhancing performance / enhancing spectator experience e.g. VAR.

40% – Coursework and Practical Assessment (R185)
1. Performing in two different sports (can be team and/or individual sports)

2. Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your performance in these sports e.g. using video analysis
3. Organising and planning a sports activity session
4. Leading a sports activity session
5. Evaluating your sports activity session

20% – Sport and the media (R186)
1. Analysing the different sources of media that cover sport e.g. social media, live streaming, youtube.

2. Positive effects of the media in sport e.g. public learning new sports, understanding sport better through education.
3. Negative effects of the media in sport e.g. coverage of poor behaviour from sports people, increased pressure on athletes.

GCSE PE vs Sports Studies

GC SE PE (60% exam) Sports Studies (40% exam)
Strong interest in science Strong interest in media
High marks in performing three sports Enjoy playing sport
Regularly attend at least one PE club Want to develop leadership skills
Enjoy competing in fixtures against other schools
(not just in football)
Enjoy independent research tasks
Prefer exams to coursework Prefer coursework to exams
Watch sport on TV regularly Watch sport on TV regularly
Enjoy evaluating your own performance in sport. Enjoy evaluating your own performance in sport.

Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13)

BTEC Sport Level 3

National Extended Diploma

  • Externally assessed units (triple BTEC course)

Unit 1 – Anatomy & Physiology

Unit 2 – fitness training and programming for health, sport and well-being

Unit 3 – Professional development in the sports industry

Unit 4 – Sports leadership

Unit 5 – Application of fitness testing

Unit 6 – Sports Psychology

Unit 7 – Practical Sport Performance

Unit 8 – Coaching for performance

Unit 9 – Research methods

Unit 10 – Sports event organisation

Unit 19 – Development and provision of sport and physical activity

Unit 22 – Investigating business in sport and the active leisure industry

Unit 23 – Skill acquisition in sport

Unit 25 –  Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport

Extra-Curricular Activities

 The Enrichment Timetable can be viewed on the ‘for students’ section of the website.