Stepney All Saints School

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Support and Mentoring

In order to encourage students to reach their full potential, we provide a wide range of support and mentoring.

Academic Tutors

As well as your subject teachers, Academic Tutors are available to give individual support to students, to help you organise your studies and meet deadlines. Academic Tutors are often recent graduates in their subject specialism and many go on to complete their teacher training at Stepney All Saints. Tutors and subject teachers can refer you to an Academic Tutor or you may refer yourself.

Pastoral Support and Guidance

All students will be in a tutor group and receive individual, tailored support from their form tutor during Academic Coaching sessions. Senior Sixth Form staff are also available to provide help, support and guidance including referrals to external agencies if required. There is a Sixth Form councillor available to help with personal problems.

Independent Learning

At Stepney All Saints Sixth Form College we promote Independent Learning as an integral part of the successful transition from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5.  All students are expected to make full use of the Independent Learning Facilities we have.  These include;

  • The School Library
  • The VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

A strong emphasis is placed on students making full use of their study periods.  This includes a number of tasks in which students are encouraged to develop their study skills through timekeeping, planning, note taking, skim reading, referencing and proof reading – all essential skills for advanced level study.

Extension Classes

We offer an extensive range of extension classes which take place after school, during the school holidays and sometimes even on Saturday mornings! This is to ensure that all students reach their true potential and gain excellent qualifications.

Academic Writing and Literacy

Support will be available to help students with their academic writing and literacy. A dedicated team of Literacy Tutors will lead small-group sessions focused on key skills, as well as being available for one-to-one sessions, where students  will be able to discuss specific issues relating to your own courses and studies. These tutors can provide guidance on issues such as essay planning, academic style, revision strategies and exam technique.

Parents Forum and Parents Evening

At Stepney All Saints Sixth Form College, we feel that communication with parents is a crucial part of a student’s development.  We run a number of events throughout the year which include:

Parents’ Forum

This is an opportunity for parents’ to meet the 6th Form Leadership Team, collect their child’s timetable and gain a greater understanding of the expectations we have of students at the college.  The Parents’ Forum will provide the opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have.

Parents’ Evening

Parents’ will be given an allocated time slot to meet with subject teachers and discuss the progress of students in all of their subject areas.  This will provide a great opportunity to look through students work and share any targets teachers may have for students in the future.