Stepney All Saints School

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Every second counts – The importance of school attendance

As we move towards the transition to secondary school in September, I am writing to draw your attention to attendance and its key importance in ensuring that your child succeeds and flourishes at Stepney All Saints.

Why is it so important that my child attends school on time every day?

· When children miss school they have to work harder to catch up;

· Children who are late miss the start of lessons and disrupt the rest of the class;

· At this age children are learning important attitudes, habits and skills which will influence them all through school and as adults;

· At Stepney All Saints School we have a clear expectation that students should aim for 100% attendance every year. We view attendance above 98% as excellent. Attendance below 95% is concerning and should attendance fall to 90% or below a student is considered a ‘persistent absentee’ (PA).

· It is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends the school regularly and on time

What do I do if I need to keep my child off school?

· Unless your child is clear very ill, you should send your child into school. We have our own medical staff who can support and if necessary can contact you during the day if your child needs to return home.

· If your child is very unwell, however, please contact us on the first day of absence & everyday they are off school

· Tell us why they are absent and when you are expecting them to return;

· Keep in touch with us until your child returns giving regular updates and providing medical documentation

· Please do not expect a child under 18 to do this for you. Always ask an adult friend of family member to do this if you cannot do it yourself.


Do not keep your child off school.

· To go shopping;

· To visit relatives;

· To look after another member of the family including other siblings;

· To translate for family or friends;

· To attend routine appointments with a GP or dentist for example;

· To spend a long weekend away;

· To go to the airport to meet or say goodbye to family or friends.

· To take extended leave during term time

What will happen if my child does not attend school on time every day?

· If the school is concerned, they will let you know and give you a chance to change the situation. Your child’s attendance will then be monitored by Miss Yeasmin, the school’s Attendance Officer

· If there is no improvement then you will be offered an appointment to talk about the problem and how we can help;

· If you do not keep this appointment and there is no improvement in the situation then you will be formally referred to the Tower Hamlets Attendance and Welfare Advisor You will be offered a number of appointments and be expected to provide a medical certificate to cover any medical absence;

· If there is still no improvement in your child’s attendance and punctuality you may be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court. If found guilty you can be fined up to £2500 and will have a criminal record.

· If your child is late to school without a valid reason, they may be issued with after school detention


If you would like more detailed information, please ask to see a copy of the Attendance policy or Holidays in term time policy, which under normal circumstances will not be sanctioned by the Local Authority and the school will in most cases make a referral to the Local Authority to issue a Penalty Notice.

What can I do to help?

· Bring your child to school on time, every day;

· If you are late, bring your child to school anyway; do not keep them at home. Being late is better than being absent;

· Only keep your child off school if they are seriously ill;

· Do not take your child out of school during term time to visit a sick relative;

· Do not book holidays or take long weekends during term time;

· Book dental & eye appointments after school or in the school holidays;

· If you have an emergency, get the children to school first and then sort it out in peace;

· Talk to school staff if you are finding it difficult to get your children to school on time every day. We know that it is not always easy and we are here to help.


For further information please feel free to contact us:


Lutfa Yeasmin- Attendance Officer

Stepney All Saints Secondary & Sixth Form

Stepney Way, London • E1 0RH

Phone: 020 7790 6712 ext. 161 • Fax: 020 7790 0499


Angela Alexander

Attendance and Welfare Advisor

Behaviour Attendance Support Service - London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Mobile: 07562 431819